Tracker Ten database software helps you manage your business or organization. The software offers numerous customizable data views and reports, providing a detailed picture of your data. Other software features include a powerful search engine;, HTML and comma delimited Excel export; image photo album view; a graph generator; multiple image support and a detailed online help file. The software is very easy to use and can be fully customized to suit your individual needs.
System Requirements
Software Installation
To install the software, just run the set up file and follow the installer instructions. Please note if your version of windows is not up to date, you may need to update your ".net framework". If you need assistance please contact us.
Getting Started
When you first start the software, the View Window appears. Using the View window you can view existing records, you can add new records and you can edit existing records. On the View Window you will notice a folder control in the middle of the screen. This control allows you to select the type of information that you would like to view or edit. You can select from description, features, images, dealer and notes. Please note that depending on the type of inventory you are tracking, you may notice two additional tabs that let you record more item details. The description fields are used to store the characteristics of a record item. The notes fields are used to store notes about a record. The dealer area lets you store the item dealer name and contact information. The image area allows you to associate multiple images with a record. Lastly, the features area provides a checklist where you can quickly enter common item characteristics.
At the top of the View Window you will find a toolbar that allows you to access all major program functions. The first ten toolbar buttons on the View screen are specific to the View Screen. These buttons are explained below. The rest of the buttons are common to every screen, and are explained in the toolbar section.
Viewing Records
The left arrow takes you to the previous record in the database
The right arrow takes you to the next record in the database.
If you have information on the Search List, you can move to the previous
record on the search list using the up arrow.
If you have information on the Search List, you can move to the next record
on the search list using the down arrow.
You can also add and remove a record from the Search list by clicking the "On Search List"; check box on the top of the View Screen
Adding New Records
The add button allows you to add a new record to the database. You can also
access this function by selecting the "New Record" option from the main
Edit menu. After you invoke this option, a blank record will be created.
You will also be automatically transferred to this new record. You can then
enter the new record information in the middle part of the screen, where
the record information is displayed.
Editing Records
Editing records is easy. Simply navigate to the record you would like to change. Then make the required changes in the middle of the screen, where the record information is displayed. When you move to another records, or invoke any program function, your changes will be automatically saved.
Pull-down menus are used to enter data in the left-hand description fields on the description panel. To enter a value in one of these fields, simply click on it. These fields are used for record classification. Accordingly the corresponding pull-down menus are nested. If a particular pull-down menu does not contain the value that you would like to add, select "Add New Category" from the pull down menu. A Tree View will appear where you can enter a new value. To enter data into any of the remaining fields, you simply type data directly into the field.
You can also delete, copy and insert records using the toolbar and the options in the edit menu:
The delete button erases the current record and copies the record information
into the save area.
The copy button copies current record information into a save area.
The insert button creates a new record and fills it with information stored
in the save area.
Read Only Records
If you are concerned about accidentally erasing data in a record, or if
you want to prevent other users from changing record data, you can make
the record read-only. lick the read-only box on the tool bar to make a record
read-only. When read-only is selected for a record you will not be able
to alter any record information and you will not be able
to delete the record.
You can associate multiple images with a record in the image document section. The images may be in .BMP, .JPG, .PCX or .GIF format. To switch between images, double click the image title on the image list. To select an image from disk press the "Add Image" button. A new window will appear where you can select the image file. You can also optionally enter an image title. The image size and type will be automatically filled in. If you want to stretch or reduce the image size to fit in the image area click on the "Auto Size" checkbox. The auto-size function will automatically preserve aspect ratio. To edit image information, double click the image on the image list. To remove the currently selected image, press the "Remove Image" button. Images are saved in the system so you do not need to keep a copy of your image on your hard drive after you have entered it into your database. You can also use the Scan function on the image tab to scan an image from a TWAIN complaint scanner.
Database Search
This function allows you to search for information in your database, using a virtually unlimited range of search criteria. You may search using any combination of fields. The results of your Search will be put on the Search List. On the database search window you will notice a spreadsheet type display right below the toolbar. This area is the Search Grid. Immediately below the search grid you will see several buttons and a progress bar. These buttons allow you to configure your search.
To perform a search, fill in the Search Grid using the following three steps:
- Click on an empty space in the field column on the Search Grid. A pop-up menu will appear. Select the field you want to search from the pop-up menu.
- Next click on the corresponding type column on the Search Grid. A pop-up menu will appear where you can select “includes” or “does not include”. Select “includes” if you want records with a specific value included in your search. Select “does not include” if you want to exclude records that contain a specific value from the search. The default is “includes”.
- Last click on the corresponding value column on the Search Grid. Depending on the field you are searching on of three things will happen. If you are searching a Description category field (i.e. the fields with drop down menus) a pop-up menu will appear where you can select the value you are searching for. If you are searching any other Description field (i.e. the fields that appear on the right hand side of the main data entry screen), a dialog box will appear where you can enter the data you are looking for. On this dialog box you can enter either a specific value in the top or a range of values in the bottom. If you are searching any other field in the database you will be able to directly type the value you are searching for in the Value column.
To search more then one field at once press the “Add Term” button and repeat the above process for the new fields. After you have filled in the Search Grid with exactly what you are looking for, press the “Search” button to perform the search. If any items are found during the search they will be added to the Search List and displayed on the Search List View on the bottom of the window. After you are finished with a search you can press the “New Search” button to clear the Search Grid. Remember that this will only clear the Search Grid, not the Search List. Since the Search List is not cleared before a new search, you can combine several different searches for reporting and browsing purposes. If you do need to remove all items from the search list press the “Clear” button.
Search List
The search list contains the items found during searches and any items that you have manually added to the list. The list is automatically cleared when you exit the program. You can also clear the list using the clear button. You can sort the list items by clicking on the column headers. You can select the fields to display on the search list using the first button on the search list window toolbar.
Since you can limit reports to search list records, the search list is also useful for filtering data. In fact using the search list and a combination of searches, you can create custom reports and export files containing virtually any subset of data in your database. To quickly generate a report press the "Report" button.
Field Types
The software supports a large range of fields types, designed to hold and process specific types of data. Some examples include barcodes, quantities, reminder dates, monetary values and more. This section provides an overview of these special fields.
Barcode Fields
A barcode field is designed to hold a barcode value. When you click into a barcode field a new window appears where you can set the barcode type and value. You can also print barcodes to standard Avery labels. If you have a barcode field defined in your software, included barcode functions may also be used to automatically manage inventory. To access barcode functions, press the scanner button on the toolbar.
Money Fields
Money fields are used to track monetary values. If you have a money field defined, "Quick Financial Reports" become available on the report menu. These reports show total values for search list records or all records. Monetary fields may also be automatically updated if any of the item records grids work will corresponding monetary values. For example if one of the grids tracks service cost, and you have a total service cost field defined, this record field will be automatically updated to show total service cost.
Quantity Fields
Quanitity fields are used to track item quanities. There are two types of quantity fields - current and desired. The current field is used to track the current stock. The desired field is used to track your desired stock level. When you click into a quanity field a new window will appear where you can add or remove quantities. This field is also automatically updated if any of the record grids process quantities, or if you use barcode scanning features to manage inventory. If you have quanitity fields defined, the "Quick Order Report" becomes available on the report menu. This report shows the difference between desired quantity and current quantity and is useful for re-ordering items.
Graph Generation
The Graph function allows you to create graphs based on your data. You can use the graph function to determine how your collection breaks down, based on the information in the description fields. You can generate graphs based on all the information in your database, or just the records on the Search list. To toggle between these two modes, press the "mode" button. To select a type of graph, use the tree control on the left-hand side of the screen.
Once the graph appears, you may change its appearance by using the buttons along the top of the graph. The Graph window is completely re-sizeable.
Miscellaneous Utilities
The software offers four useful functions on the main “Utility” menu. The first function is a basic calculator. The second function is a calendar. These functions may come in handy when you are filling in or reviewing data fields. You can also access these functions by clicking on the appropriate toolbar button.
The remaining 2 functions provide automatic email and mailing label printing.
Email Function
A bulk email function is available on the utilities menu. This function requires an email record field to be defined. You may choose to email all contacts, or just contacts on the search list. When you invoke the function a new window will appear, displaying a note area where you can enter email text and a list of contacts where your email will be sent.
Mailing Label Print Function
If you have address areas defined in your database you can use the mailing label print function to print mailing labels to standard Avery labels. You can print labels for all records, or just the records on the search list.
Record Grids
On the record view the third and fourth tab contains spreadsheet type grids. These grids are useful for tracking transaction history, service costs, item loans, rentals, contact history, safety inspections and other similiar record related information that occurs on a recurring basis.
Record Print
The record print function will print any combination of the description fields and records images on the currently displayed record. To access the record print function press the printer button on the toolbar, or select the "Record Print" option from the report and view main menu.
A new window will appear with five tabs. On the first tab you can select the position of record text relative to images. On the second tab you can enter a custom header and footer. On the third tab you can select the records fields that you want to print. On the fourth tab you can select the images you want on your printout. On the final tab, you can view a preview of the print.
Working with a Grid
To add a new item to a grid, press the "Add" button. A new window will appear where you can enter grid item information. To remove an item, press the "Remove" button. To edit an existing item, select the item row from the grid and press "Edit". You can also move items up an down using the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. If you want to print the contents of a grid press the "Print" button.
Depending on the type of information a grid is managing, other records fields may be automatically updated. For example, if a grid column tracks service cost, and one of the records fields is "total service cost", this field will be automatically updated to contain the total numeric value of the entire service cost column.
Grid Summary Function
The grid summary function provides a quick report showing frequency and other statistical information for grid columns in a given date range.
Software Customization
The software can be easily customized to suit your individual needs. To change the name of a Description or Detail field simply double-click on the Field title. An input box will appear where you can enter a new field name. To change the options in the Description Pull-Down menus simply click the field you want to change and select the “Add New Category “ option. To change the checklist items on the second tab, select the item you want to modify and press "Edit".
If you require further customization, please contact us. For a small fee we can usually add new fields, new data areas, custom security options, web publishing features and new reports.
The software includes a variety of customizable reports with full print preview and export features. These reports range from quick financial and stock reports to detailed inventory reports with user selectable fields. Reports can be filtered using the search list, date ranges, record fields and more.
The toolbar appears at the top of the view window. The buttons on the toolbar allow you to access all major program functions:
Press the Print button to print the current
Press the Search Function button to search
your database.
Press the Graph Function button to visually see how
the information stored in your database breaks down.
You can use this function to generate, export and print a wide variety
of circle, bar and line graphs.
Press the Search List button to view the items
on the search list.
Press the Calculator button to invoke the calculator function.
Press the Calendar button to display a calendar.
Press the CD button to use the built-in CD player.
Press the Close butotn exit the program.
Contact Data Village
Mailing Address Data Village |
Phone (403) 703-6777 |